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iPhone 앱스토어 관련 통계

모바일 마케팅/Mobile Service

by Marketcast 2009. 3. 19. 10:58


iPhone3.0의 프레스 컨퍼런스에서 발표한 iPhone 웹스토어 관련한 다양한 통계자료이다.
08년도에 1,370만개의 iPhone이 팔렸으며 2만5천개의 iPhone 애플리케이션이 있다. 

  • There are now more than 25,000 iPhone apps in the iTunes Store.
  • iPhone apps have been downloaded 800 million times.
  • 96 percent of all apps are approved
  • The developer SDK has been downloaded 800,000 times
  • 50,000 companies have joined the program
  • 13.7 million iPhones were sold in 2008

    관련기사:Apple Opens Up More Ways To Get Paid On The iPhone, Adds Key New Features
                 Apps Hit 800 Million Downloads.

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