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Marketing metrics audit Process

마케팅 전략/마케팅분석

by Marketcast 2006. 9. 28. 13:00


마케팅 측정을 하기 위해서는 회사의 비즈니스 모델, 수익구조, 고객획득과정을 분석하여
회사에 적합한 마케팅 매트릭스를 추출해야한다. 이러한 적용을 위한 7단계 프로세스를
소개하고 있다.

Step 1: Identify your firm's cash-flow drivers
Step 2: Identify marketing activities that ultimately affect your company's cash-flow drivers

Step 3: Define an outcome metric for each marketing activity
Step 4: Show how your outcome metrics affect cash-flow drivers

Step 5: Test the assumptions behind your cause-and-effect links
Step 6: Quantify anticipated cash flow over time
Step 7: Identify future opportunities for your firm

관련기사:The 10 Biggest Mistakes Marketers Make—No. 2: Using Metrics That Don't Matter to Top Management

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