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본문 제목

Ringtones: Past, Present and Future

모바일 마케팅/Mobile Service

by Marketcast 2006. 8. 31. 10:04


The future structure and operation of the ringtone industry will bear little resemblance to that of the past. Although ringtones were first commercialised by companies in the mobile industry, in the future, music ringtones will be managed by record labels as a new recorded music format. Industry incumbents are finding that this shift will truly be a case of black and white.

The catalyst of such a fundamental shift is the transition from monotonic and polyphonic ringtones to real music ringtones which has allowed the record labels to enter the market for the first time. This volume contains an analysis of the key trends which are shaping the development of the new ringtone industry.

관련기사:Ringtones: Past, Present and Future Volume 2

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