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RFID Tag 테스트 보고서 발간

New Tech/유비쿼터스

by Marketcast 2004. 12. 4. 15:15


RFID Alliance Lab에서 UHF 대역의 EPC Global 의 Class 1 ~ 0에
적용가능한 RFID Tag 10가지에 관한 테스트 보고서를 발표했다.

The RFID Alliance Lab, a not-for-profit test center, today released a comprehensive report on the performance of 10 commercially available UHF RFID tags based on EPCglobal's Class 1 and Class 0 specifications. The tags were tested in free air, near metal and water, and on products traveling on a conveyor in an operational warehouse.

관련기사:Test Lab Releases Tag Report

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