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MSN의 새로운 인터렉티브 광고 시도


by Marketcast 2005. 4. 13. 10:45


MSN has announced the 7.0 version of its IM application Messenger and a new service called MSN Spaces through which millions of consumers can share their stories with their friends and family or the entire world.

The advertising opportunities offered by the application appear to be particularly attractive. MSN has announced Volvo Cars North America will be the first to run a campaign on MSN Spaces, trying to take advantage of a deeper brand integration through a rather unobtrusive channel.

Also Adidas and Sprite have chosen MSN Messenger to make users experience their branded content. Sprite has created " The Scenario" a branded online entertainment experience designed for teens, while Adidas offers branded theme packs to promote its newly launched Adidas_1 Show.

참조기사:Enhanced MSN Communication Services Deliver Compelling Opportunities for Advertisers

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