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Big Brother's Passport to Pry

New Tech/유비쿼터스

by Marketcast 2004. 11. 6. 11:55


테러 갔다붙이면 모든게 통용되는구나..^^
이게 팍스 아메리카인가...쩝^^

Big Brother's Passport to Pry

Privacy advocates are appalled by the ongoing plan to equip all U.S. passports with RFID chips that can be read surreptitiously from a distance

The U.S. is moving closer to requiring citizens to have an identity card that could be scanned from a distance. By the end of 2005, U.S. passports will come with embedded radio-tag chips -- and Congress is considering mandating similar technology in driver's licenses. The government argues that the changes will make America safer from terrorists. But privacy advocates are appalled, fearing that the information could be stolen and misused.


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