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Wireless Business Review from GSM World

모바일 마케팅/Mobile Marketing

by Marketcast 2004. 11. 19. 23:23


Wireless Business Review from GSM World 발표된 강의
자료를 다운로드 받을 수 있습니다.

Section 1 - Technology - 3GSM - The Way Ahead - (13.1MB)
Section 2 - Technology II - Evolving Mobile Technology- (9.7MB)
Section 3 - Applications & Services - Serving The Customer - (9.0MB)
Section 4 - GSM World - Driving Future Growth - (17.7MB)
Section 5 - GSM Association - (20.7MB)
Section GSMA Introduction from the GSMA Chair & CEO- (2.8MB)


출처:GSM World

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